Recently, I wanted to add section headers to an NSFetchedResultsController, so that I could have sections in the corresponding UICollectionView. The Apple Documentation is clear that you add a value to the sectionNameKeyPath
method when you are creating the controller. Setting the value to nil
will return a fetched results controller with only 1 section. Providing a value for the sectionNameKeyPath
will create one section per unique value of the key path.
I wanted to sort by date so that I would have one section for each day. My first attempt was to simply add the date
property of my object to the sectoinNameKeyPath.
This allowed me to get values for the number of sections and titles for the sections.
Some of this code is specific to my application, but I can get the count of the sections array and I can get the [sectionInfo name]
for the title of the header. If you are using a UITableView the header viewForHeaderInSection code would be simpler than for the collection view.
However, I store records by timestamp. So, when I first implemented my fetch I was getting one section per record because the timestamps are unique (they include data beyond the day).
In order to create the grouping the way I want them. I will need to add a property to my objects. A few important notes from the documentation. When creating a custom grouping, the custom grouping must either be included as the primary sort key or else it must not modify the sort order. This means that if I sort by date as my primary sort, I cannot try to group the records by the firstName
property. Also, the grouping key can either be an actual property of the object, a transient property or a method. In my case, since I just wanted to display the dates in a more human friendly format, I decided just to create a method on my objects.
Now I modify my fetched results controller to use the new method.
And now I am getting my sessions grouped by day!