Running a microISV

Dad was a Philosophy major who thought he was going to be a minister. Mom majored in Physics and is an acclaimed teacher. The kids are smarter than they should be.

Dad has quit his day job and we now have a dog.

Tyree Apps has been our full time endeavor since May of 2010. We are currently working on a number of iPhone and TapLynx projects, some Ruby on Rails projects and some Wordpress projects.

Tyree Apps business is split among IT management consulting (Dad has a Masters in IT Management and has served at a number of leadership positions in corporate IT), software development and website maintenance. Currently most of our revenue comes from our consulting practice. Our goal is to have most of our revenue come from our software sales.

Dad has been writing software and managing IT systems since about 1984. If you like the spirit behind our applications and want to partner with us or commission us to write something for you, drop us a line at